Life insurance should be called Death insurance.
No, we don't call auto insurance crash insurance. We are insuring the asset, the life, the auto.
Life insurance is a bad investment.
Life insurance is not an investment, it is a risk-management tool. The fact that it may be structured with investment features does not change what it is. (FYI: I think positively about whole life insurance.)
My home is an investment.
No, your home is where you live. The fact that it has grown in value is gravy.
It doesn't matter what it costs if it's tax deductible.
Unless you're in a 100% tax bracket, it still cost you.
Corporations are greedy and take advantage of the little guy.
Corporations are owned and run by people. The reason we hear about bad executives is because it is relatively rare. We rarely hear about automobile accidents (common), we do hear about plane crashes (rare).
The Corporations can afford it.
Corporations are owned by people, many of them elderly, who invested and live on the dividends. The higher the expenses, the less the dividends. If the corporation is not profitable, Grandma will sell her stock and buy another stock. Unless you want to support her.
Crony Capitalism is bad.
Cronyism is NOT Capitalism. Period. It is making a noun into an adjective to mislead. Yes Cronyism is bad, there is no such thing as Crony Capitalism.
I worked for this company for 30 years and all they pay me is $x. They should pay me more. They treat me like a slave.
That's dumb. When you agreed to work, you made a deal, work for pay. If you don't like it, unlike a slave, you can quit. If you feel you are underpaid, you can go across the street to the competition.
Women are paid less than men for the same job.
If that was really true, why would an employer ever hire a man when a women can do the job for less pay?
Most women will get raped or sexually abused in college.
If that was really true, why would any parent ever send their daughter to such a bad place?
We need to limit hate speech.
Er ... NO. All speech is protected by the First Amendment, without exception. Anyway, who defines what hate speech is? Joseph Stalin or Xi Jinping? Point is we are a nation of laws and just because someone says something doesn't make it true.
New Jersey and New York are great places to live.