Neal S Axelrod
Certified Public Accountant

Are you thinking of getting out of dodge?
States and cities can be ranked about their economic climate. There are a few organizations that review and analyze government financial information. Their specific rankings may not be the same, but they all convey the same conclusion. Additionally, people vote with their feet, and moving companies track this because they have to plan. TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, PEOPLE MOVE FROM BAD FINANCIAL AREAS TO BETTER ONES.
This may matter to you if you are thinking of moving.

A brief synopsis follows. There are links in case you want to look at the data.
Data and rankings in any of the reports are based on different policy variables. If you were to rank by a specific variable, the ranking may not match the overall ranking. For instance, in RICH STATES POOR STATES, New Jersey is ranked 48, but the 15 variables range from 4 to 50, 1 below 10, 9 above 40, 1 is 50.

While each report is not an exact match, the trend is that people are moving from high-tax blue states to low-tax red states. People move to where the jobs are and the taxes lower. The same states are in the bottom 20% of all studies: Connecticut, California, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey. New Jersey is consistently the worst state.

The conclusion is simple: These states need to lower their taxes.

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